Monday, May 13, 2013

Parking more info about Aerohive items. I could use a link tool such as diigo, but this has more context and it won't get lost in a the shuffle, plus I can come back later and edit the post for more details.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Parking JS MVC Info

This isn't the best blog post, but sometimes I'm reading and I read through an article (so it doesn't belong in something like Diigo or Evernote or Pocket) and I know I'll want to reference it and a series of others in its's context later. In this case its around advanced JS MVC topics. We aren't quite ready to implement them, and I'm not quite ready to throw away my research materials. I also need to get them out of my browser.

[No idea how current these are]
List of articles:

Found a good article about Mocks and Stubs in various languages:

Monday, March 11, 2013

Program like a game developer

I really liked this article. Both because it is something I need to work on and it espouses the philosophies I believe in for how to work and make work fun.

Program like a Game Developer

Want to know Rails? Break it. Break it to pieces. Delete all of application.rb and see what happens. Create controllers that pull data from files instead of databases. Create views that initialize variables and contain huge swaths of business logic. Create models that contruct HTML and JavaScript. Tie it all together with duct tape and CoffeeScript. Test nothing, test everything. Build models that only contain one field. Build a model that houses every piece of data your application could possibly need.
This is an awesome quote. Break stuff. Don't overanalyze. Don't fuss about naming conventions and folder structure.