Friday, August 24, 2007

Multiverse 1.0 Linux Install

This will be our first install of Multiverse (MV) on the Forever Interactive server. I started out by installing Bitvise Tunnelier and cygwin on my windows desktop so that I could work comfortably on the server in my office. I typically use Tunnelier at work, so I'm comfortable with it, and will use it for the time being. I used cygwin a long time ago, but I have forgotten most of it so it will be a renewal process.

The first step in the MV server install process is to install a current version of the JDK. I also used he linux based MV instructions as well as a reference. They seem to be using a Redhat based distro, and we are using Ubuntu, so I had to modify accordingly. As usual, I use apt-get.

I downloaded the MV install and mysql, and edited a few configuration files. MV also has special notes just for Ubuntu users.

And here is the server up and running.

Couple of useful commands:
./ -v start
./ status
./ stop

cd $MV_HOME/logs/
grep ERROR *.out

Additional good forum links:

Trouble with Ubuntu 1
Trouble with Ubuntu 2

Sunday, August 12, 2007

FI Server Setup

Forever Interactive

Now that the OS is installed, I need to set up the computer for use. Over the next few days, I will go through my notes of things that need to take place to better improve the server.

Items done or noted:
  • Control + Alt + F1 = Switch to text mode
  • Adding new users
  • Setting up SSH
  • ifconfig to find IP address
  • Ensuring the system clock stays on time with a cron job
I have set up an IRC server for internal use. I had to read quite a few sites to fully/learn understand what I needed to do. I still have a few ToDo's here, but the basics should be ok. I was also able to test the IRC server internally and externally.

Links Used:
IRC help
Tutorial on setting up identd/dcc
Ubuntu IRC server instructions
Ubuntu Classroom
Ubuntu server setup information
Ubuntu feisty fawn information

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Catch Up Time

I just went out of town on business for WaMu in Seattle, and due to the wonderful world of flying I effectively lost three days of time. So now I have a pile of work to do to catch up, and on top of it all we are knee deep in the middle of a move.

After catching up on WaMu emails, I am going to work on Uberworlds. The project is quiet at the moment, and once I catch up on all of my duties, I should have one less project to deal with. Next I'll work on the FI server, but since there are a ton of boxes and what not in the living room, I'll need to work on that first.


Since it has been a bit of time when I last worked on this I am figuring out where I left off. I left notes to myself, but I'm not as organized as I would like.

Silversage Quest Implementation
I started off by creating a new druid for testing, Hawte, I leveled her to 10 using /imm gimme PLEVEL 10. She has no quests so I need to pick those up. After that I'm going to check the spacing and new lines in the quest dialogs and clean that up. Each time I enter the game I have to switch to Hawte's character. I'm using my new immortal commands CmdListQuestObjectives (/imm LISTQUEST) and CmdFillQuestObjective (/imm FILLQUEST). I need to also add a command to selectively fill quest objectives and possibly delete or un-fill them.

To improve the output of /imm LISTQUEST I have added a new color for game text in the UI.

Enabling Developer Mode - Once in the game client, hit Ctrl-Tilde and type: $pref::developer = 1; *Note: You only have to do this once, the preference will be saved. Ctrl-F10 opens the GUI Editor and Ctrl-F11 opens the realtime Zone Editor.

For Visiting the Camp, I need to fully check out the entire quest because when I implemented it, it was the first time I have ever done quest implementation in MMOWorkshop, and there may be issues. I also need to add all the cross zone quest implementations. For the quest completion portion on another NPC, I'm using A Quick Tour to compare getting objectives from other NPCs.
This one is slightly different since it ends in an escort quest objective, but I will look into that later. For now I will make sure the quest works by talking to and getting an update from Scout Theon in the other zone.

I was able to complete and test the Scout Theon portion of "Visiting the Camp", and place Scout Theon in The Silver Plateau. The next update I will finish up the Captain Rodkim quests.

Quests worked on:
Captain Rodkim - Life of a Soldier
Captain Rodkim - Visiting the Camp