Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Setting up a new Mac OS Machine for Ruby Dev

Since I'm getting a new Mac OSX machine.... Just leaving this here. Other than using RubyEnv, I pretty much agree with it:

[Reposted from]

33 comments Latest by Tony Huynh

It used to be a jarring experience to set up a new machine for development, but progress has paved the dirt road into a silky smooth autobahn. These are the tools we use today:
  1. Homebrew: Remember how painful it used to be to get imagemagick installed? Now it takes about a minute. “brew install imagemagick”. Same story for git and other Linux dependencies.
  2. rbenv/ruby-build: We have some apps running on Ruby 1.8.7, some on 1.9.2, and some on 1.9.3. ruby-build makes it easy to compile all three, rbenv makes it easy to switch between them on a per-project basis. We run rbenv in production as well, so all you need to do to change the Ruby version there is alter .rbenv-version—development and production is always on the same page.
  3. Bundler: Not everyone at 37signals loved Bundler at first, but now that it’s stable, they’ve been won over. I now curse whenever I have to use an old application that hasn’t been setup with Bundler. Manually tracing down dependencies?! How prehistoric!
  4. rake setup: All our apps has a rake setup task that’ll run bundler, create the databases, import seeds, and install any auxiliary software (little these days) or do any other setup. So when you git clone a new app, you know that “rake setup” will take care of you.
  5. Pow: No more messing with Apache or nginx for local development. All it takes for Pow to add another app is a symlink. All the apps are always configured and available at,, etc without messing with the hosts file either.

Arch Linux VM Fun

Messed around with another VM this morning. Awaiting my new 11 inch MacBook Air, I keep watching my tracking number with anticipation! I have an old serviceable machine at home that has been upgraded motherboard and all over the years, but it's nearing end of life. It's currently running Windows 7 and has 8 GB Ram. Nothing fancy, but it works.

The VM I was working with early this morning was ArchLinux, I haven't used it before but got caught in some permissions matrix that I will have to sort out later. I spent enough time on it that I will have to move on. Old me would have gutted it out and stayed up all day, but I'm learning better habits. I'll try and make a post another day and fix the Arch Linux upgrade path. No promises, though. Pictures from the nightmare below, and some links. I should note this is all with pacman package manager, and its permissions and desires.

Summary of what I tried:
= Updating pacman "pacman -S pacman"
= Updating the entire core "pacman -Syu" and clearing the cache "pacman -Sc"
= Trying a forced update with no confirmations: "pacman -Syuf --noconfirm" (probably a bad idea!)
= Adding SigLevel = Optional TrustAll to the /etc/pacman.conf
= Above all this, doing a "pacman-key --init" to update the pgp keys
= Trying to force the update further with "pacman -S filesystem --force"

Pacman "error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)" (Page 1) / Pacman & Package Upgrade Issues / Arch Linux Forums

[SOLVED] "signature from is unknown trust."

During all of this, took mental breaks and cleaned around the house, and played with HTML/CSS.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Setting up Virtual Box Ubuntu on Win 7

Got up this morning to set up a new Virtual Box VM for Win 7. I used the following links:
Gave up waiting for root device error
The only issue I ran into was that the directions had my VDI (virtual disk image) set up as SATA instead of SCSI. I went into the Virtual Box settings for the Ubuntu VM under Storage, removed the offending SATA Controller, added the SCSI controller in its' place with the VDI I had setup.

I used this link to figure out how to solve the issue:

I installed gnome IDE (this took quite a while) and then got started with a "startx" command.

Installing Ruby on Rails Framework