Sunday, August 12, 2007

FI Server Setup

Forever Interactive

Now that the OS is installed, I need to set up the computer for use. Over the next few days, I will go through my notes of things that need to take place to better improve the server.

Items done or noted:
  • Control + Alt + F1 = Switch to text mode
  • Adding new users
  • Setting up SSH
  • ifconfig to find IP address
  • Ensuring the system clock stays on time with a cron job
I have set up an IRC server for internal use. I had to read quite a few sites to fully/learn understand what I needed to do. I still have a few ToDo's here, but the basics should be ok. I was also able to test the IRC server internally and externally.

Links Used:
IRC help
Tutorial on setting up identd/dcc
Ubuntu IRC server instructions
Ubuntu Classroom
Ubuntu server setup information
Ubuntu feisty fawn information

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