Monday, May 28, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

Changing spawns for Uberworlds

This assignment is to change the spawn function to have more discreet increments. Currently here are examples of how spawns work:

mob1 = DBSpawnInfo(spawn="Radothe",startTime=20, endTime=6)
mob2 = DBSpawnInfo(spawn="Wild Wolf",frequency=RPG_FREQ_ALWAYS)

The new function should allow
mob3 = RPGSpawnInfo(spawn="Wild Wolf",startTime=20.13.56,endTime=6.24.24)

Allowing detail to the second to be used.

Install Win32Api Extensions and PythonWin packages.
To exit the interpeter, use Ctrl+Z on Windows, On Unix or IDLE Ctrl D.

To run a Python program in Unix as an executable, use chmod to make your script executable. (chmod +x Add a line to the top of the program for the location of your python executable. (ex. #!/usr/bin/env python)

Links used on this project:

Interesting Links:
^ Full model tutorial.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Monday, May 07, 2007

Completing MMOkit Tutorials

Everything is going much smoother now that I know where most things are. I did run into a few issues though, so I'll record them here in case I forget later.

= Make sure object names do not have spaces in them. If they do the game won't load. It can be fixed by editing the *.mis file and adding a "_" where the space is.
= For the Spells tutorial, there is a missing icon (STUFF/2). Found this by searching for STUFF after I realized things were erroring once I tried to use the spell object and the inventory Icon had no icon.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Placing Animated Model in MV

I took one of our first models from our Technical Art Director from a COLLADA file, and converted it to MV mesh, skeleton and material files. The material file has to be edited because the current incarnation of MV conversion tool does not generate a complete OGRE mesh file. Once the files are converted, I place them in the repository using the Asset Importer. I create one asset for the mesh and another for the materials. Then I view the model using the MV Model viewer. I'm still having trouble with the materials so I'll continue this later.

Update: Everything works now. Each material needed to be explicitly named in Max. Once that was done, the material file worked and everything loaded into MV properly.