Friday, August 07, 2009


I *really* need to be more dilligent posting here, just got through reading Web Optimization, pretty decent book, although scan worthy. I had to skim over the details on click through rates and items I don't care about too much.

Also been playing with Gamebryo Lightspeed as well as Torque 3D. Without going into details I definitely preferred Torque 3D. I have also been digging through the Overlord's source code for some fixes.

Hoping my move is soon so that I can pull out my books from storage and start working on my studies. It will be nice to have bookshelves again!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tons of Reading, Learning

This is just a quick update as the last few months have been so busy. I have rekindled my knowledge of C++ and working on relearning math that I don't use normally as well. Right now I'm concentrating on algebra, calculus, geometry, and bit manipulation.

Lots of job applications to be completed some are quite long - but each one teaches me new things I haven't seen in a while.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Setting up WAMP

Tonight I set up WAMP on my gaming PC, I have set up LAMP on my Ubuntu box which is no longer with me. My goal is to get my development environments set back up. I'm running PHP 5 and Apache 2.2 along with mySQL.